Ranches for Sale in Colorado: Big Profits from Quality Beef Production

Do you want to beef up your income? Beef could just be the answer. In an article for Farm and Ranch Guide, Dale Hildebrant writes that every indication points to beef cattle production as a continually thriving industry.

“Beef cattle producers are enjoying a period of good economic times, and North Dakota State University Extension livestock marketing specialist Tim Petry expects that trend will continue well into the future.

Petry noted that at the present time, beef prices are at a record high levels for this time of the year. That starts at the retail level and continues all the way down the beef production chain. On the live animal side of things, prices have probably seen their seasonal peaks and will now head into their normal seasonal decline.”

Petry and other experts “expect the cow-calf producer and the seed-stock producer to be in the driver’s seat for the next several years.” This means market conditions are expected to favor breeders or producers of commercial cattle (cows, replacement heifers or young females, bulls), and purebred or registered cattle. Feedlots or yards, where the cattle are cared for and nourished, still have an uncertain economic standing because of variables that affect crops.

Ranches for Sale in Colorado: Big Profits from Quality Beef Production

While managing a beef cattle ranch can be pretty challenging, you can consistently churn out high-quality beef and maximize your profits by adhering to proper ranch management practices. Here are a few important factors to consider as you get started:

Look for the perfect ranch land.

Climate change, drought, and other factors can wreak havoc on the quality of your cattle. As such, consider ranches for sale in Colorado where the overall conditions are ideal for raising livestock. You’ll want a property with lush and well-irrigated year-round pastures that enable year-round rotation for quality beef production.

Develop an optimal grazing schedule.

Apart from choosing a location with a favorable climate for grazing, you can improve beef quality even further by observing the right feeding schedule. A recent study in North Dakota suggests that feeding cattle in the afternoon (when the pasture’s sugar content is high) can help improve the taste of beef.

Consult professionals for ranch management.

Aside from offering the finest Colorado ranches for sale, a reputable ranch marketing company like Mirr Ranch Group can create a custom cattle ranch management plan that covers areas like nutrition, vaccination, and overall care of livestock. With expert guidance, you can maximize your resources and get the most out of your investment.

(Source: Future looks rosy for beef cattle producers, Farm and Ranch Guide, May 12, 2014)

About mirrranchgroup

Mirr Ranch Group is a leading ranch broker and ranch real estate agency in the American West and Patagonia. We uniquely provide comprehensive services of larger firms for sellers, buyers and owners of rural real estate and ranch land, while still offering the personal touch of a small-town brokerage. We have Colorado ranches for sale, Wyoming ranches for sale, Montana ranches, New Mexico ranches and Utah ranches for sale, plus Patagonia land for sale.

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