Monthly Archives: December 2013

Take a Share of Beef Industry Profits, Buy a Ranch

According to reports, the US beef industry has been skyrocketing as of late. US beef exports have seen a massive increase as countries like Japan, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and Hong Kong continue to demand more beef. This demand helped the US beef industry reach a record-high 5.5 billion dollars in exports in 2012. Read the rest of this entry

Turning Ranch Land into a Horse Breeding Ranch

When people purchase ranch land, most of them dream of starting a profitable cattle ranch. With the way the US beef industry has been performing as of late, it is easy to understand why people want to do so.

However, establishing a horse breeding ranch is another lucrative option for people looking to start a business on their new property. There are many practical uses for horses, whether in agriculture or sports, or simply as a pet—meaning there will always be a demand for these animals. If you are interested in starting a horse breeding ranch, here are a few breeds you might want to consider raising: Read the rest of this entry

Choosing Among Ranches for Sale

It goes without saying that purchasing a ranch for sale is a significant financial move and cannot be taken lightly, especially if you are planning on starting a ranching operation. While you may be tempted to purchase cheap ranch land in order to leave a hundred thousand dollars for your operations capital, many experienced ranchers advise against doing so. According to these experts, you should be willing to spend extra cash to secure a ranch that meets your needs. Read the rest of this entry

Using Ranches for Sale in Colorado for Lucrative Breeding Businesses

After purchasing beautiful ranches in Colorado for sale, investors always have four options: allow the land to appreciate then sell it, start a beef ranch, start a dude ranch, or start a cattle breeding ranch. Although all four are great options, the last might be the best at the moment, as market studies have shown that the US beef industry is enjoying an upsurge.
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Ranch Buying Tips: ARMs vs. FRMs

When you’re looking to finance your ranch purchase, fixed-rate and adjustable-rate are the two main mortgage types you will likely avail. The marketplace offers plenty of varieties within these two primary categories. With that in mind, your first step when shopping for a mortgage should be to determine which of these loan types best suit your needs. Read the rest of this entry

Turning Mountain Ranches for Sale in Colorado into Cozy Dude Ranches

One of the more profitable investment options for people looking at lovely Colorado ranches for sale is to start a dude ranch. In fact, this type of investment is heavily recommended by Entrepreneur Magazine:
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Turning Ranch Land for Sale into Top-Grade US Beef Cattle Ranches

There are many reasons why people would look to purchase large ranch land for sale from a reputable brokerage such as The Mirr Ranch Group, but, for the most part, they buy this type of property for investment purposes. While some people may think about turning their newly acquired property into a breeding ranch or a dude ranch, the smart investor knows that using it for beef cattle ranching is the most profitable move. A report from Agricultural News, stating that profits from 2013 beef exports are on pace to beat those from 2012, even supports this notion:
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Ranches for Sale in Utah: Growing Cattle and How to Keep Them Grazing

So you’ve bought your first herd of cows and are now evaluating ranches for sale in Utah where you can grow them. Congratulations! Next comes the challenge of taking care of them, and one of the biggest challenges you’ll ever face as a cattle producer is how to keep cows grazing. “Increasing the number of days your cows are grazing will help lower annual feed costs and improve profitability,” writes Greg Henderson, editorial director for Beef Today. To do this, Henderson offers the following tips:
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Ranch Land Buying Considerations

Oregon is becoming one of the fastest growing areas in terms of agricultural real estate, and its beautiful lakes and rivers, diverse wildlife, and rolling hills are its main attractions. Plenty of large properties are available for sale, and among them you’ll find farm lands, luxury properties, ranches, and even hunting lands. If you’re looking for quality acreage in the state, here are a few things to keep in mind: Read the rest of this entry

Three Essential Tips for Future Beef Producers

So you’re looking at a handful of ranches for sale where you can start your beef production business. Before you begin your cattle-raising journey, know that it’s never too early to begin making management decisions that will affect the productivity and profitability of your herd. Here are tips and guidelines to consider: Read the rest of this entry