Tips on How To Sell a Ranch for the Best Possible Price

Many families live on a ranch for generations while others work a ranch for a specific financial goal. Whatever the reason, at some point the owners may consider selling the property to scale up their business, downsize, or to move out of the ranching industry altogether. Selling a ranch property is a complicated process and can take a considerable amount of time due to fluctuations in land prices and economic and environmental conditions.

Tips on How To Sell a Ranch for the Best Possible Price

When you have decided to sell your ranch, there are some steps you need to follow to ensure that the process is as stress-free as possible. Here are a few tips on how to sell a ranch so that you get the best possible return on your investment.

Call in the Experts

Valuing ranch property is complex, so it is vital that you get the property adequately appraised by a real estate expert who specializes in agricultural properties. They will be aware of issues in the sector such as zoning, water and soil quality, conservation, and yields, all of which will affect the overall value of the property.

Be aware that prices fluctuate, so it is imperative that you get an accurate price related to current economic conditions.

Emphasize What Makes Your Ranch Great

When you are ready to list your property, make sure you emphasize the strengths of your property regarding the lay of the land, hunting opportunities, and cattle raising features. Making sure that you use high-quality photos and informative listings is crucial to getting the attention of possible buyers. A broker who specializes in selling ranches is best suited for marketing your property and handling the complexity of ranch transactions.

Understand the Tax Implications of the Sale

Taxation can be a very complicated area when looking at selling ranch properties, so getting a tax expert in will help you negotiate this minefield. Ranch properties are subject to different taxes than regular residential properties, and if you make a profit on the original purchase price, you’ll also be subject to capital gains tax.

Make Sure the Property Is Ready for Viewing

First impressions count more than most in the ranch business. If buyers see a well-maintained ranch with sparkling surface water, they will be more likely to invest. Overgrown fields, hedges, and damaged fences are sure to put investors off before they even get through the front door. So even if you don’t spend much time on-site, it is worth visiting the site and attending to any maintenance jobs that are required.

Don’t Sell

This might seem a strange tip for a blog about selling a ranch, but for some families looking to downsize, leasing the land is a viable option.

Many ranchers have successfully been able to downsize their operations by leasing out pasture land or areas adjoining ski resorts to other ranch owners or business people. It helps to reduce the workload while bringing in a regular stream of income, leaving you time to enjoy the things you like best.

About mirrranchgroup

Mirr Ranch Group is a leading ranch broker and ranch real estate agency in the American West and Patagonia. We uniquely provide comprehensive services of larger firms for sellers, buyers and owners of rural real estate and ranch land, while still offering the personal touch of a small-town brokerage. We have Colorado ranches for sale, Wyoming ranches for sale, Montana ranches, New Mexico ranches and Utah ranches for sale, plus Patagonia land for sale.

Posted on February 21, 2018, in Ranches for Sale. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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