Exploring Ranches for Sale in Colorado? A Wealth of Wheat Awaits You!

Despite a recent history of drought, things are looking up for Colorado in terms of its major food grain crop: wheat. Following interviews with local farmers and agriculture experts, Ag Journal contributor Candace Krebs cites expectations that the state’s wheat industry will flourish this year.

Colorado Wheat

A rainy weather pattern came too late to help the crop in neighboring Oklahoma and Kansas, where it mostly caused harvest delays, declining test weights and intense late-season weed pressure.

But while statisticians were ratcheting wheat harvest estimates downward in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, they were boosting yield expectations for Colorado. According to forecasts made about a month ago, Kansas will end up harvesting about a third less than the five-year average; in Oklahoma and Texas, the final figures will likely be around half of the norm. In contrast, Colorado is looking to double what it produced last year, while bringing in a harvest that’s on par with average.

Given this advantage, Krebs writes that Denver is poised to play home to the largest flour miller in the country that will “expand markets for Colorado-grown wheat and Colorado-developed wheat varieties.” Perfect for making yeast breads and hard rolls, the grain is indeed a true treasure for food manufacturers.

Indeed, it makes sense for investors to explore ranches for sale in Colorado. After all, the Centennial State boasts acres of farm lands fit for growing protein-rich golden grains. In fact, according to ColoradoWheat.org, total wheat production in 2012 amounted to an estimated $580,072,000. Aside from selling wheat to neighboring states that lack the commodity, ranchers can also cater to the international market, thanks to the wealth of export-quality wheat.

In any case, profitable wheat production entails observing the right timing as well as planting and harvesting in the proper location. Generally, soil with medium to heavy textures are suitable for the crop. Fertilization would depend on the type of wheat, where winter wheat (a major produce in the state) needs to be grown in more fertile land. Crop rotation and other farm management practices should also be observed to limit weeds and plant diseases.

Thinking of acquiring a veritable gold mine for golden grains? A company like Mirr Ranch Group not only offers a listing of attractive Colorado ranches for sale but also provides ranch management and conservation consulting expertise that enable you to turn your wheat farm into a profitable venture.

(Source: Outlook upbeat for Colorado wheat, Ag Journal, July 13, 2014)

About mirrranchgroup

Mirr Ranch Group is a leading ranch broker and ranch real estate agency in the American West and Patagonia. We uniquely provide comprehensive services of larger firms for sellers, buyers and owners of rural real estate and ranch land, while still offering the personal touch of a small-town brokerage. We have Colorado ranches for sale, Wyoming ranches for sale, Montana ranches, New Mexico ranches and Utah ranches for sale, plus Patagonia land for sale.

Posted on July 29, 2014, in Industry News. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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